A corkscrew mind

It’s not usually rare to find

A straight forward thinking mind,
Which travels from A to B
Perfect and straightforwardly.
And while you might favour the brain that comes across completely sane dots the is and crosses ts and performs systematically… I don’t.
For you see I may not refute a
Head wired as a computer. It’s not for me. Any day give me a brain
That laughs, plays, waxes poetical
Can deal with imaginative hypothetical
Will travel from ridiculous to sublime
Not bound by metre, rules or rhyme
Or care to be restricted by a structure that’s so predictable, it’s absurd
In a word
To sum up a brain of this kind
The super unconventional type of mind
Just ain’t possible mate.
Make no mistake. It’s not NOT great to cross the is and dot the ts
Crunch the numbers
Do the maths
Draw the graphs
Solve the problem
Prove the theory
X the Y or sin on the dotted line.
But can this mind put you in a garden in the rain
And dress you in a dozen different smells
And shake the very mountains that you’re dreaming of?
So anyway and any day
Give me the sort of mind
The sort of brain, the sort of kind
That can paint colours in my life.

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